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Library Board

Members and minutes.

Board Members:

Donna Wheeler (chair)

Melinda Meese ( secretary)

Janel Eichenberg (treasurer)

Shanna Avery (trustee)

Brenda Rouhan (trustee) 

Linda Kacel (trustee)

Board Meetings:

Our Library Board meetings are scheduled for the first Thursday of the month, at 6:30 pm here at the library.  If there is a change it will be posted.

  • Minutes 1

Chase Township Library Board


February 6, 2020

Respectfully submitted by Melinda Meese

The meeting was called to order at 7.  The members in attendance were Linda Kacel, Donna Wheeler, Melinda Meese, & Janel Eichenberg.

Melinda made a motion to approve the agenda and Janel seconded the motion.  The motion passed.

Minutes were read and Janel made a motion to approve.  Donna seconded the motion and the motion passed. 

The treasurer's report was read and Melinda made a motion to approve the report. Linda seconded the motion and the motion passed.

Roxanne was not present due to a family emergency, therefore, we did not have a Director's report.

We will get the bills that need to be paid by email.

Old business was discussed.  Janel will pick up the outdoor lights.  Melinda will let Doug know and call the electrician.

The Lake County Community Foundation (Fremont) is coming to the library on January 12th around 1 to provide online training for filling out grants.

The budget was discussed.  The $2500 from the Chase Foundation was from a grant they applied for on behalf of the library for the new roof.  Donna made a motion to approve the budget presented as it was written.  Linda seconded the motion and the motion passed. 

Fundraisers were discussed. The idea of a summer dance outside at the library was discussed. We will look into this more and try to have something put together before summer taxes are sent out.

The next meeting will be March 5th @ 6:30.

Donna made a motion to adjourn the meeting and Linda seconded the motion.  The meeting adjourned at 7:45.

  • Minutes 2

Chase Township Library Board


January 9, 2020

The meeting was called to order at 6:42.  Members in attendance were Donna, Melinda, Janel, and Brenda.

Minutes were read. Donna made a motion to accept the minutes with the correction that each child did not receive a book, but a book came with the collection.  Janel seconded the motion and the motion passed.

Janel made a motion to accept the agenda with the addition of the policy corrections to old business and Linda Kacel to new business.  Melinda seconded the motion and the motion passed.

The treasury report was read and Melinda made a motion to accept the report.  Brenda made the second and the motion passed.  There was a donation from the Hamilton Family for $500.  Donna would like the board to send a Thank You card.  She will bring one to the next meeting for the board member to sign.

The Director's report was read and Melinda motioned to accept the report.  Donna seconded the motion and the motion passed. 

The monthly bills totaled $745.85.  All bills were preapproved.

There was a discussion about the outdoor lighting.  We agreed to put a dusk to dawn dual light on each corner of the building and a single light above the front door for a total of 5 lights.  Donna made a motion to spend up to $325 on outdoor motion lights.  Melinda seconded the motion and the motion passed.

Janel presented the policy corrections and the board members signed the changes.

 Linda Kacel was present at the meeting and showed interest in becoming a library board member.  Donna made a motion to appoint Linda Kacel as a library board member per diem in the amount of $1800.  Janel seconded the motion and the motion passed.

Roxanne let the board know that she does have a list of volunteers and background checks on file.  

Donna will notify Debra Miller Tossey of our library hour changes

The next library board meeting will be held on February 6th @ 6:30.

Melinda motion to adjourn the meeting at 7:56 and Janel seconded the motion. The meeting adjourned.

  • Minutes 3

Chase Township Library Board

November 11, 2019

Minutes, respectfully submitted by Melinda Meese

The meeting was called to order at 6:30.

Members in attendance were Donna, Melinda, Janel, and Roxanne.

Donna went over a letter from the Chase Main Street Foundation.  There was some discrepancy about items purchased by the Main Street Foundation.  The $5000 toward the library roof were from a grant secured by the Chase Main Street Foundation on behalf of the library and township, and not from money that was made from a fundraiser.  The tables and book cart were purchased prior to the formation of the Chase Main Street Foundation.

Minutes from the September meeting were read.  Donna motioned to accepted the minutes and Janel made the second.  The minutes were approved.

Minutes from the October meeting were read.  Melinda motioned to approve the minutes with the correction that Faith preferred Lake County Residents, not Roxanne and to remove the sentence about the .86$ that Roxanne added.  Janel made the second.  The minutes were approved.

The Treasurer's report was read.  Donna motioned to accept the treasurer's report with the addition of the $10 donation from Bonnie Wallace.  Melinda made the second and the motion passed.

The Director's report was read.  Melinda motioned to accept the report.  Donna seconded the motion and the motion passed.

A bill for Consumer's Energy for 92.77 and AT&T for 82.14 were submitted.  Donna motioned to pay these and internet and gas.  Melinda seconded the motion and the motion passed.  There was a short discussion about the library purchasing their own propane tank to save money on propane.  Amy said they are around $1000.

We had a discussion about the budget and needed to make some amendments.  Melinda motioned to amend the budget to read $700 for workshops, $1000 for phone, and $300 for supplies.  Donna seconded the motion and the motion passed.

Melinda asked if we should seek another electrician because Joe still hasn't fixed our exit signs and lights.  Everyone agreed to look for another electrician.  Roxanne said hot water heater was broken, so it was agreed that Melinda would also call a Plummer.  Amy asked about the street light that Consumers is putting up by the library.  Melinda said that she would check with Dan to see what was happening.

Donna said we had around 30 people at the Chase Library Fall Festival.  Melinda said that Janel and Donna did a great job and everything was beautiful.  There were a lot of other things going on that weekend that could have interfere with the turnout.  It was a very nice time for those who attended.  We made $174.25 and paid the DJ $100.   We will keep the nonperishable food for future events.

By laws and policies were presented and reviewed.  Donna motioned to accept the policies and by laws with the correction to the Donations, money, equipment, & supplies section.  It will now read: All money, equipment, or supplies that are donated to the Chase Township Library by any organization or individual will be presented to the Chase Library board and director at any regular board meeting.  Janel made the second and the motion passed.

Brenda Rouhan was present at our meeting and expressed her interest in joining our board.  The board asked Brenda some questions and after a time, Donna made a motion to appoint Brenda Rouhan to the library board as a trustee.  Janel seconded the motion and the motion passed.  Amy was there to swear Brenda in.

During the public comment section, the question was asked about library hours.  The board said that it could be discussed about changing hours as long as it stays within the allowed hours of our budget and if it works for Roxanne.  A second public comment asked about our library being on board with the book catalogue, so that we can exchange books with other libraries.  Roxanne explained the detailed process of adding all the books from library.  She said that she is half way there.  Roxanne also explained there is expense involved with the program that may be out of our budget at this time. 

The next meeting of the Chase Library Board will be on December 2nd at 6:30.

Donna motioned adjourn the meeting at 8:18 and Melinda made the second.  The meeting adjourned.